Hi everyone. This is Faculty of engineering.
Today I want to introduce “How to use MMD(Miku Miku Dance Motoin)”.You may be worried about that Can I do it ? It’s piece of cake. Well then, Let’s start!!
OK.Then, You need to prepare starting MMD. Installing some softs from the link below.
And, You ganna download all links from right.
So, then, if you are a students of Nishogakusha Kashiwa. Unfortunatery, You have to reinstall it that is surrounded by red line.
And, so as to be happy in the future. You should install MME from the link below
→MikuMikuEffect x64対応版 ver0.37 (2014/03/26)
Then, finished them, you have to put the contents of MME into the file of MMD.
So, we finished first step we must do using MMD. You should download character you like.
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